Southside Holiday Village i Allenstown

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienSouthside Holiday Village



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283, Lower Dawson Road, 4700, Allenstown, Rockhampton Regional, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4927 3013
internet side:
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Latitude: -23.4027857, Longitude: 150.5046862

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rod Morris


    I guess the park is clean though the amenities are old but clean (could do with smelling lollies in the men's trouth )BUT BEWARE OF THE TRAIN LINE RIGHT BEHIND THE PARK and the highway the other side will keep you awake. We had a powered van site.

  • en

    Deb Kleidon


    What a beautiful place to stay. Very quiet. Exceptionally clean. Staff very friendly. We loved the cabin style and surrounding gardens. I would recommend to everyone.

  • en

    Caroline Miller


    Family rooms are great, clean, spacious, air-conditioned works great.!! The out side area is very well kept lovely and clean and we'll presented. Recommend to all!! The Pool is fantastic it's clean and very inviting, kids love it!! Enjoying family from Northern Territory.😀 Thank you South side family Park.

  • Jaye Matthews

    Jaye Matthews


    Booked online for just $93. Wasn't expecting high end , but boy what a nice surprise. Those cabins are excellent value for money. Very clean , tidy and looks like fairly modern bathroom/kitchen. Quite spacious , nice pool to cool off in and very helpful friendly reception staff !! Will stay here again next time am in Rocky !

  • Shannon Brierley

    Shannon Brierley


    Excellent stay here. $85 for a self sufficient cabin. We thoroughly enjoyed this as on our whole trip we couldn't get anything this clean for less than a $100. Amazing. Great work

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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