St Vincent's Private Hospital Brisbane i Kangaroo Point

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AustralienSt Vincent's Private Hospital Brisbane



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411, Main Street, 4169, Kangaroo Point, Brisbane City, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 3240 1111
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Latitude: -27.4736484, Longitude: 153.0350148

kommentar 5

  • Daniel George

    Daniel George


    It felt very old really prehistoric, the ancient technology practices used are out-dated and high risk

  • Rachel Walsh

    Rachel Walsh


    Staff were very caring and friendly, attentative to his needs. I thank you for looking after my Step-Dad Paddy, I know he got the best care. 😇 💖

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    Chris Johnson


    Sadly my mum's experience was very disappointing all 'round. The staff were rude & quite unfriendly. None freely made conversation with her or talked or smiled at her. Very rarely did nursing staff attend to her needs & I had to care for my mum myself. The food is pathetic to say the least with very little choice. Orange juice is the only cold drink offered. My mum could not have this due to reflux. The meals were packet frozen veggies, frozen chips (not hot nor cooked thoroughly), & only cereal for breakfast when mum had to have a high protein diet. It saddens me to also discover other patients felt likewise & found their meals unpalatable & inedible. Many older patients had lost a significant amount of weight due to these facts. (One patient mum befriended was down to just over 40kg & desperately wanted something nice to eat other than cheese & tomato sandwiches.) The social workers did not do their duties! They just couldn't be bothered & I ended up doing their role. They lied about things that needed to be done in hospital for assessment by "My Aged Care" & told my mum & I that this was not their role & that I could speak to a Supervisor. When I phoned My Aged Care again, I was told that the hospital MUST assess my mum before her discharge. I had to spend 50 minutes on the phone doing this for my mother. I also arranged Patient Travel home when the Social Worker was supposed to do this. She gave me their phone number stating she did not have time to wait on the phone to arrange this! Rehab consisted of patients being treated as a herd of cattle doing group insignificant tasks. My mum was belittled & left in tears each day doing menial, unnecessary tasks. She was there for rehab in the form of physio after significant open heart surgery, yet was forced to do cognitive baby tasks such as identifying which animal the picture showed; draw a clock with 11.10am on it; playing Snap, etc. She felt like an imbecile & senile! Also at dinner time, bibs are handed out to each patient to wear around their necks with a food catcher attached at the bottom should they dribble or drop food! This is humiliating to a grown woman who had no brain/memory problems whatsoever. My mother's wounds were cleaned with a napkin off the lunch tray! No staff EVER showed aseptic techniques by washing their hands prior to or after attending to a patient. The sheets on the bed were not changed ONCE during her entire hospital stay. I'd never recommend this hospital after the way my mother was treated. She couldn't get out of there soon enough!!! She signed out early just to get out of there. (It was such a pity after receiving only the best of care at The Holy Spirit Hospital Chermside.) Systemic failure in this hospital calls for urgent accountability & immediate review!!!!

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    Kathy Hewett


    My mother was admitted to medical ward yesterday with breathing difficulties.medical and nursing Staff met were friendly professional and very supportive to both her and family. As a palliative care RN who works at another hospital in Brisbane this reception and care was very reassuring . Keep up the great service you provide st Vincents ,.. It's very precious.

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    Rose Carter


    Attended a pain management program with this hospital. In a nut shell it was very poorly managed and any criticism that you give in their feedback (of which they enforce out of you in a classroom) is used against you in a report. An over priced course, that teaches you nothing but basic's that is taught by your own doctor or commonsense. You are forced to remain seated in a classroom from 8.30 to 3.30. If you already have a psychologist, and OT I highly recommend you inject this into your own personal doctors instead. They make you believe it is a personal program design just for you, this is complete fabrication, this course is Group therapy, and if they have the time for you you will be lucky to get a few minutes one on one. They do not even own a swimming pool for the hydrotherapy, which you desperately need after the 4 day of being forced to remain in your hospital bed and in a classroom the entire time. My advice if you attend, DO NOT GIVE ANY FEEDBACK AND JUST LEAVE. Never ever give any bad feedback in a classroom no matter how nice they appear only give compliments even if they are a lie.

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