Summer East Serviced Apartments Orange NSW i Orange

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienSummer East Serviced Apartments Orange NSW



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399, Summer Street, 2800, Orange, Orange City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 6369 0046
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Latitude: -33.284992, Longitude: 149.109207

kommentar 5

  • en

    Elizabeth Newton


    On the plus side:,very clean,neat,private and relatively quiet,with secure parking.well priced,friendly reception staff.states serviced apartments. On the negative side:.It was NOT serviced during entire clean towels or bed made daily as expected. Then,you are to tidy the place,and have kitchen clean ,AND take the rubbish out when you leave!! A bit dated,with chips out of bench tops,and cracks in multiple tiles in bathroom, not enough power points.can't charge second phone or ipad/computer,without unplugging bed clock,or TV if charging more than one device.(only one power point available in kitchenette.)minor things. My biggest disappointment was not enough hot water!!!.small 50 litre system per apartment on off no long or very hot shower(which I was looking forward to after long drive),or other person goes cold shower!!,and boil the jug to wash up!.

  • Trene Welch

    Trene Welch


    Great value for money. Private and comfortable rooms with all the facilities you need. Great space, secure parking and good staff. No they are not brand new rooms but they are fresh and clean. Will definitely return.

  • Cass Rowe

    Cass Rowe


    This place is feral. Call themselves a serviced apartment but ask you to empty your own bin. No washing machine or dryer. Rooms dated and patchy. Hot water allowance is ridiculous. Staff are curt and unaccommodating. Overpriced for what it is. I'd stay in a dog kennel before I'd go here again.

  • Arthur Falconer

    Arthur Falconer


    Great accommodation close to town. Not posh but quiet and comfortable at a good price. Nice staff and plenty of parking

  • en

    Mick Johnson


    Great for trades or people wanting to stay longer term. Clean quiet and warm Lots of parking even with the cherry picker on a MR truck. Even the free wifi was fast enough

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