Terry White Chemmart w Hamilton

AustraliaTerry White Chemmart



🕗 godziny otwarcia

119, Beaumont Street, 2303, Hamilton, Newcastle City Council, AU Australia
kontakt telefon: +61 2 4961 1269
strona internetowej: www.terrywhitechemmart.com.au
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -32.9237108, Longitude: 151.7470529

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mark Jackson


    The staff are very friendly. They take the time to explain any questions you may have regarding medications and the products they provide. The staff do not get get 'tired' of the questions, and are willing to spend a decent amount of time to explain the intricacies of the different products. The pharmarcist is always cheerful, and will take the time to answer any questions and take the time to ensure thay you understand about the products you need (or would like) to know abour. This is particular handy if you have some difficulty, and reactions, to certain ingredients in the products. There is wheelchair accessible entrances at the front of the store, two (2) entrances. There is also a back entrance, again, wheelchair accessible. The back door is closed 'early' in the night. Depending on what time you arrive the back entrance maybe closed. On several occassions, I have asked if the back entrance can be opened, late in the evening, and the staff are more than willing to open the door and allow me to leave tnrough the back entrance. The price of the various products is reasonable.

  • en

    Annika Buchan


    Really lovely ladies. Friendly and helpful but not pushy.

  • TheHurt Fan

    TheHurt Fan


    Good quality products, great customer service

  • en

    Callan Fair


    I've never been treated more rudely than in here. Instead of help I received a long and bigoted lecture about all the things the pharmacist ASSUMED I was doing wrong without his bothering to ask a single question. I just hope it doesn't happen to you. I believe a new pharmacist has taken over since the service used to be so nice

  • Michael Nelson

    Michael Nelson


    Fantastic service - helped me out when I left my meds in Melbourne. Friendly staff who went out of their way to help. I recommend their well stocked store and friendly staff.

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