The Chancellor Apartments w Varsity Lakes

AustraliaThe Chancellor Apartments


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

19, Lake Street, 4227, Varsity Lakes, Gold Coast City, AU Australia
kontakt telefon: +61 7 5553 6500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -28.0777219, Longitude: 153.4141484

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kelly Lopez


    The rooms are clean and comfortable. The lobby has a strange feeling to it though. Feels like walking into an RSL Club rather than hotel/apartment. Hard to describe. The hallway to elevator also has strange feel to it as well. Kinda spooky 🤔. But rooms are nice 😁. It is walking distance to shops so that is very handy.

  • Jade Alexis

    Jade Alexis


    Very quiet which makes it good for relaxation.. Staff are friendly fully self contained apartments. Awesome pool

  • A Booth Decathlete

    A Booth Decathlete


    Great location, room exceeded my expectations. Would definitely stay here again

  • en

    don neves


    Apartments are great, but lack clothing storage space. Management is the worst I've ever seen and or met in my life and I have travelled extensively. BAD ATTITUDE an RUDNESS FROM the supposed MANAGER and SENIOR STUFF are the characteristics of this place. Do not expect any help whatsoever from them, specially if you work at odd hours of the day or night and got locked out of the premises. Be prepared to pay $100 fee for staff to come and help you open the door. Rates are also very expensive. I would rate them minus five if I could. Lived there for about one year and half. Don

  • en

    Sumaya Allami


    0 starts!! This place is absolutely disgusting. Moved in for long term stay. Place was dirty, the cooking appliances are disgusting- we put them away and bought our own! The bathroom was disgusting and the toilet has constant running problems! Emailed to get thins looked at, never got sent a professional, it was always someone coming in with simply a spray and a cloth to clean everything. The guy actually cleaned our bath tub and proceeded to clean out kitchen with the same cloth. During the stay everything just seems to be breaking down, especially the toilet. The manager there Is so unhelpful and has big attitude. For the price we pay we should receive a better maintained apartment with better service! It's appalling!!

najbliższy Kwatera

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