The Coffee Club Café - Katherine i Katherine

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AustralienThe Coffee Club Café - Katherine



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Crossways Hotel 23 Katherine Terrace, Katherine NT 0850, Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8972 3990
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Latitude: -14.4645565, Longitude: 132.2624912

kommentar 5

  • en

    Terrance Leahy


    Staff very friendly premises clean coffe good food not to coffee club standard was pathetic.Had chicken parma chips lovely but both our parmas were probably cooked for the 3rd time burnt tough and tasteless.Just not any where near the standard you expect from this franchise.

  • Aus WRX

    Aus WRX


    Can't say the Calamari I had was crispy, was a little more on the soggy side. Coffee was good though.

  • en

    Carol Payne


    Sorry to say very disappointed with my meal. Sent my first chicken Parma back as was almost burn and very crispy. Only ate half the next one as was almost as crisp as the fur5st one. Not happy. Rating for the coffee.

  • Saurav Shrestha

    Saurav Shrestha


    Good coffee and food in town. Cool staff.

  • en

    C. Hoo


    Been here twice. Food the first time was great. Second time through it was burnt badly. First time i've ever taken food back. The wait time was pretty excessive. The second attempt was still overcooked. Would have recommended, now probably not.

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