The Coffee Spot i Adelaide

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienThe Coffee Spot



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111 Rundle Mall, Shop 48 Adelaide Arcade, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8223 5986
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Latitude: -34.923013, Longitude: 138.603608

kommentar 5

  • Curt D

    Curt D


    Great coffee and friendly staff. They got our order wrong and brought cappuccinos instead of lattes, however they were so tasty we didn't care. We are from the inner north of Melbourne and are the first to admit that we are coffee snobs. These were great even by our standards. This is a great place to stop and people watch. There are some nice wrought iron tables and chairs out the front to sit on. This is now on my list of places to stop when in Adelaide.

  • Max Anderson

    Max Anderson


    Week old muffin ruined what was a nice location / setting. Coffee also mediocre (burnt) and think barista (for want of a better name) needs further training.

  • en

    Derek Baikie


    Fried eggs were not runny. Bacon cremated. Cappuccino bitter in taste. Don't waste your money.

  • en

    T A


    Friendly service, delicious cake and decent coffee. Great place to sit and relax away from the busy Rundle Mall.

  • en

    Steve Doyle


    Excellent service, reasonable prices and awesome cheesecake!

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