The Grace Hotel i Sydney

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienThe Grace Hotel


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77, York Street, 2000, Sydney, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9272 6888
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.8689641, Longitude: 151.2058908

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rachael Hunter


    Wonderful place to stay! Situated in the heart of the city. The rooms are lovely and spacious and the staff are all so friendly. Would definitely stay there again. Room service did leave a lot to be desired

  • en

    Nick Geoghegan


    Great art deco hotel. Friendly service. Nice rooms and an Irish pub downstairs. This place has never let me down.

  • en

    Kim Sing


    Location is 5 star! Rooms were big and spacious, which was a plus. But it's a bit basic looking. The staff are friendly too. The hotel is a heritage hotel done in art deco style. Got it at a really good rate compared to nearby hotels. A little too old feeling for me as I prefer newer hotels, but I'd consider staying here again in the future if the price is fair. They are currently undergoing renovations though, so hopefully, the rooms would look better! The convenience store right opposite the hotel had a bit of a high mark up for some items. other items were ok though.

  • otsuru shio

    otsuru shio


    グレースホテル シドニー:街中にあるので観光バスなどはすぐ目の前に停められないので、団体で来られる場合には道の反対側や少し離れたところから乗下車することになるかも。スタッフは日本語を話す人はいませんが優しく応対してくれます。ホテルは老舗の高級ホテルという感じで、お部屋も素敵です(バスタブのない部屋もあります)。建物はシドニーの歴史的建造物の1つになっているそうです。ホテルの近くにはコンビニもスーパーもあります(ウルワースとコールス)。海側にいくとダーリングハーバーまではゆっくり歩いて15分位。ホテルの近くにも軽く飲めるところやレストランもありますが、ハーバーにも食事ができるおしゃれなお店多いです。ここからディナークルーズ等の船も発着します。シドニータワーにも歩いて行かれる距離です。チェックイン、チェックアウトの時間は応対が丁寧なので時間がかかる可能性があるので急いで出発したい方は早目に。ホテルのロビー階の裏側のドアは遅い時間は閉まってます。遅くにホテルに戻ってくるときにはご注意を。

  • en

    Ryan McDonald


    If anyone is looking for great deals on hotels go to HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around... Travelled for work and stayed for 2 nights in a Deluxe Twin Room and found it to be a very spacious room. Only annoying thing was that there wasn’t a power point next to one of the beds which I thought was a little odd. Art Deco style building and good selection of food and beverages at the breakfast buffet.

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