The Old Woolstore Apartment Hotel i Hobart

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AustralienThe Old Woolstore Apartment Hotel



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1, Macquarie Street, 7000, Hobart, Hobart City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 3 6235 5355
internet side:
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Latitude: -42.8790642, Longitude: 147.3341551

kommentar 5

  • E Lil Ditty

    E Lil Ditty


    We loved it here for a number of reasons. Firstly the location and secondly the service, lastly the room. The location is central to every thing and only a 30 second walk to the waterfront. It's only a few minutes to Salamanca markets too. It's also easy to get out of the city for Mt Wellington and the Cascade brewery. The service from front of house was perfect and super helpful too. The room we stayed in was a one bedroom apartment. It was very clean and very roomy. I'm a real stickler for bathrooms being clean and I was comfortable- no mould and well maintained. Thumbs up from us :)

  • Sam Cook

    Sam Cook


    I stayed here during a professional visit to Hobart. Firstly the room and facilities are completely spotless. My room was well appointed, with separate shower and bath in the ensuite. The bed was comfortable with clean crisp sheets and a selection of different pillows. The bar and restaurant are more on the expensive side, but a nice perk after a long day's travel and work.

  • en

    Anne Gibbons


    We stayed at the Old Woolstore in March. We had an apartment which was brilliant. I especially found the washing machine & dryer very handy . The rooms were very clean & staff very friendly & helpful. Would definitely recommend this hotel.

  • Paul Delphin

    Paul Delphin


    Great place to stay. Very warm and friendly staff. Restaurant staff in particular very helpful and bent over backwards to help. Breakfast buffet is as fresh and tasty as it gets. Absolutely mouth watering food.

  • en

    Angela Ryan


    Loved staying here. Great location to waterfront restaurants and bars with easy walking distance. Safe parking. Clean spacious rooms and nice restaurant for breakfasts .

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