The Sunnyside Tavern i Broadmeadow

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienThe Sunnyside Tavern



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20, Broadmeadow Road, 2292, Broadmeadow, Newcastle City Council, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 4961 2084
internet side:
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Latitude: -32.91434, Longitude: 151.73256

kommentar 5

  • en

    Saurabh Gupta


    Room is fine. However, Fridge, Iron, Iron board, , Tea maker are missing from room facility as claimed next to a room on reservation page. Also, no room cleaning each day. No intercom and Clothing hanging road inside room.

  • en

    Sue Donohue


    Lovely friendly and helpful staff and a clean comfortable room. I had a reasonably priced, lovely vegetarian meal. I would definitely stay there again.

  • William Large

    William Large


    Rooms clean and comfortable .... staff friendly and the food is excellent... a very nice little pub

  • Rabya Malick

    Rabya Malick


    It's a great place to stay on a budget. The internet doesn't work though and there's no elevator so you'll have to carry your luggage to the room. All rooms are on the first floor.

  • en

    Mary Neech


    Had a long lunch here with friends. The service was great, the food was delicious and came out quickly. The air conditioning in the dining area was divine as it was over 40 degrees C outside.

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