Tint A Car i Fyshwick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienTint A Car



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1, Kembla Street, 2609, Fyshwick, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 6280 6444
internet side: www.tintacar.com.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -35.3258629, Longitude: 149.1784911

kommentar 5

  • Ananthasayanan Kandiah

    Ananthasayanan Kandiah


    Chris did a very neat, professional job on our re-tint. I would highly recommend Tint-A-Car Fyshwick to anyone.

  • Harold Tan

    Harold Tan


    We rang Tint-A-Car (Fyshwick) this morning and they helped us fixed a car window tinting for our vehicle. We particularly spoken and assisted by Chris who was very customer oriented and accommodating given the limited notice that we have presented to him. He made us feel welcomed and confident with the work that he does, given that this is the first time directly engaging with a tinting service. He was also transparent with the whole process that only sets customer expectation which I reckon is very important. We highly recommend contacting Chris at Tint-a-Car Fyshwick. We are very please with the overall service he has provided.

  • en

    Avtar Singh


    Very bad experience. 21st of november 2017 i just tint a car with F1 from fyshwick canberra but what i got bubbles and dust in between the sheets. They did not clean the window properly. Very disappointed. Wastage of time and Money. I don’t think they are proffessionals. There is 30 days money back guarantee. Please give me my money back. I will go somewhere else who can do good job. Seriously zero star and never recomment to anyone.

  • en



    Fantastic workmanship. I have had 3 cars tinted here & the tint has been perfect every-time. I highly recommend Tint a Car Fyshwick!

  • Naveen Jeremy De Silva

    Naveen Jeremy De Silva


    Good customer service and did the front window tint very quickly. Job was done well and there was no wait time.

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