Titanium Security Arena i Findon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienTitanium Security Arena


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44A, Crittenden Rd, 5023, Findon, City of Charles Sturt, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8268 3592
internet side: www.titaniumarena.com.au
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Latitude: -34.9004383, Longitude: 138.5463748

kommentar 5

  • en

    Elliot Newton


    Inside of the stadium is pretty good, only issue is seating is very close making it hard to maneuver between people. Car parking area is terrible and extremely difficult to enter and exit when busy. Recommend parking outside and walking in.

  • Ian Loxton

    Ian Loxton


    Was part of an amazing event and the Titanium Security team were just great. Impressed with the facilities, the space, the sound. It's all good.

  • James Wylie

    James Wylie


    The arena is of medium size with around 4000 seats. The lighting in the the arena needs to be adjusted and done by a qualified light technician, the sound technician should be fired that they use and a qualified sound technician hired. Other than that it's not a bad arena to go to and from what I experienced the parking is fair though they could have more disabled parking available to the public. 6/10 Would I return and recommend this place to others? Yes.

  • en

    William Smith


    Watched the NBL finals here. Great venue, perhaps lower food and drink prices.

  • en

    Value 4money


    Monday night basketball what a joke. How can the umpires allow physical contact and not call fouls? My child has come home in tears and black and blue and yet the umpires did not call a foul at all!!! Disgusting!!!! Maybe Titanium should hire senior experienced umpires, not children!!! You may want to act on this matter asap, how you do not have a list of court actions against you amazes me???????

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