Travelodge Hotel Perth i Perth

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AustralienTravelodge Hotel Perth



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417, Hay Street, 6000, Perth, City of Perth, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 9238 1888
internet side:
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Latitude: -31.9566319, Longitude: 115.8655744

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dominic Baptist


    Nice clean hotel. Conveniently located at walking distance to the city, shops, food places and church (if you're Catholic!). There is also a bus stop right in front of the hotel where you can catch free rides on the Red Cat that will take you around the CBD area as well as the train station for you to head out to Frementle and other areas.

  • Ryan Jones

    Ryan Jones


    Great location with easy access to Hay St, Murray St, and the Esplanade. Friendly staff and good restaurant. Rooms are dated and musty. AC controls are there just to humor you.

  • en

    Melanie Hogben


    Reasonably priced. About 5 mins walk from the mall. Room was a nice size (3 adults) and it came with nice views of the river. The buffet breakfast was good with the 2-for-1 deal. Only issue was our cards to access the room stopped working on two occasions but that was rectified immediately.

  • Jay McCormack

    Jay McCormack


    Position of this hotel is good, very central and easy walking around the city. The four stars though is primarily for the service. This hotel is tired, lots of small stains, rough spots, chipped paint. The bathroom vanity is small and poky and the lighting is really bad. The staff however we really helpful moving me from a noisy room to a quiet room on request. Wouldn’t stay again - but it’s cheap and practical.

  • en

    Martin Redfern


    Ideally located close to the main shopping area and also Elizabeth Quay (for Rottnest Ferry). Also within walking distance of Perth Railway station. Rooms were clean and comfortable. Reception staff were very pleasant, courteous and helpful. There is a restaurant on site although we didn't use it. We would stay there again.

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