Underground Haircutters i Adelaide

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienUnderground Haircutters



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95, Rundle Mall, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8223 5352
internet side: undergroundhaircutters.business.site
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Latitude: -34.9228661, Longitude: 138.6030758

kommentar 5

  • Georgie Leader

    Georgie Leader


    Always love seeing Dave and his A-Team at Underground Haircutters. Excellent service and amazing results without having to spend hours in the chair! Always a treat - Thank you Underground!!

  • Matthew Hobbs

    Matthew Hobbs


    Gave a good cut n shave for a decent price. Even open on a Sunday. Only down side is their only accessible down a narrow stairway and if you blink you'll walk right past the entrance.

  • en

    Alecia Schmied


    Love going to this place everytime, staff are very welcoming and my hair is perfect everytime.

  • Selina Corak

    Selina Corak


    Recently had my roots done and hair toned here, I was overly impressed at the sheer welcome and comfortable environment along with really friendly staff! My hair feels and looks so much better than what it was, I highly recommend this place!

  • Minzy Barker

    Minzy Barker


    The last time I went they did my haircut well, though not completely straight (not a big issue) Their staff are always friendly and nice, I came back again to have my hair cut because of this. This month I got my hair cut again. My hair was cut uneven and looked like a dog had chewed it. My family agreed that it looked utterly terrible and it was the worst quality haircut I have ever got. It’s a nice environment, but having to pay $85 is extremely expensive to feel like the hairdresser is just doing the job as quick as they can, so they can move onto the next customer to make more money. Honestly, they screwed it up so bad this time, that I probably won’t come back.

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