Virgin Australia Terminal Brisbane Airport i Brisbane Airport

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienVirgin Australia Terminal Brisbane Airport


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Airport Drive, 4008, Brisbane Airport, Brisbane City, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 13 67 89
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Latitude: -27.3880464, Longitude: 153.1192117

kommentar 3

  • Wendy Lo

    Wendy Lo


    Light and spacious area of the airport, just for Virgin passengers. Nice food court area and coffee shops. There are a good amount of amenities and interesting shops to peruse. Announcements can even be heard in the toilets! Very clear.

  • en

    Antonio Kim


    Thanks to the Virgin Australia help desk my family could come back home safely when my son was bleeding nose just after long night travel from the Philippines about a month ago Fast action and giving comfort to nervous parents. From the time in emergency to the flight to home next day I would like to thank to them with my heart, especially the lady manager.

  • Rip Torn

    Rip Torn


    Really chic Virgin terminal, I transited here. I am a Qantas customer and noted the younger VirGin demographic, tuned into the internet ether.

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