Waterfront Backpackers Cairns w Cairns City

AustraliaWaterfront Backpackers Cairns



🕗 godziny otwarcia

83, Esplanade, 4870, Cairns City, Cairns Regional, AU Australia
kontakt telefon: +61 7 4000 0860
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -16.919496, Longitude: 145.7767833

komentarze 5

  • it



    The place is located in a great location just next to the night markets and very close to everything,just our room was very small with no window and the whole place looks like it was an old prison.also the "breakfast included" wasn't very yummy..they just left some milk,tea,jams on the table, but the whole kitchen was a bit of a mess, probably also because of some other guest's carelessness.if you just want to find a bed to sleep in the middle of the city it's your place,if you look for a bit more look for something else

  • en

    Jose María Sanchez Miranda


    ‘Discussing place, please, don’t go there’ ➖ Simply, nasty place. Rubbish and bad olours everywhere. All the facilities (rooms, kitchen, and common areas ), were extremely dirty.... they offer breakfast and we had to was dirty plates and glases as all was disgusting from the night before (breakfast was served one hour late so we had to run to not miss our flight, it is terrible when you paid for it already). As well cucarachas running all over the corridors and beding wear was basically to be send to the Rubish, almost transparent for the old it was. We are pretty sure this hostel would failed any health inspection of the city, then is incredible for us how this hole is still offering accomodation in cairns.. depite of the place is very well located ( in front of the lagoon ), plese never go there... for your own health!! ➕ Nothing, was the most discussing place we have ever stayed.

  • Virginie Vacher

    Virginie Vacher


    Basic clean budget 2 bunks bedroom, amazing location, airport bus stop really close, perfect for backpackers.

  • Romaric Tortel

    Romaric Tortel


    Very very VERY bad ! Don't spend your money here ! First, when you arrived, staff don't look at you, they want to finish to send a message, and after they can talk with you. Really ?! Ok. Bedrooms are small, just enough to let your bag and go outside. Bathrooms not very clean, A/C old and very noisy even in the night !!!! And shared kitchen disgusting..... Smell dishes ... Really, don't come here. I make this mistakes one time for 4 night 45$ per night !!!!!!! The real price 15$. You don't have any towels for shower, for this price !

  • en

    David Granrot


    The best hostel in Cairns- Friendly staff, clean and tidy rooms, very social and in the perfect location. Straight opposite the lagoon. Great for people who are staying long term !

najbliższy Kwatera

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