West Terrace Cemetery i Adelaide

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AustralienWest Terrace Cemetery



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161, West Terrace, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8139 7400
internet side: www.aca.sa.gov.au
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Latitude: -34.9337792, Longitude: 138.5877808

kommentar 5

  • Ron L

    Ron L


    A major historic resource with a significant ex-service section. Good touchscreen resource allows ready searches with print-out.

  • Helen Hutton

    Helen Hutton


    I wish there was some way of contacting Meredith Whitford. I can understand her disappointment. However, the database shows that Francis Lymer Gratton was cremated in 1946 and this is why a grave cannot be located. The office at West Terrace is never staffed as enquiries are handled by the Cemeteries Authority at Enfield. The staff there are helpful and very keen to help with enquiries either by phone or in person at Enfield. This is a wonderful historic site and well worth a visit for historical interest as well as family matters.

  • Patrick Tunhapong

    Patrick Tunhapong


    The night tour is fantastic, best of its kind.

  • Indigo Tinney

    Indigo Tinney


    It was a comfortable experience. I will say that getting in bed has a big thud, but at least I am happy. I often come out at night for a fun party with my neighbors like Arnold Sneider XI who is very old. I really like this old folks home and I recommend it to others.

  • Mark Dale

    Mark Dale


    Really enjoyed one of the self guided walks around the cemetery - free guide leaflets on the board just near the entrance. Some truly fascinating stories about the early days of Adelaide

nærmeste Kirkegård

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