Westpoint Honda Sales w Indooroopilly

AustraliaWestpoint Honda Sales



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356, Moggill Road, 4068, Indooroopilly, Brisbane City, AU Australien
kontakt telefon: +61 7 3878 0440
strona internetowej: westpointhonda.com.au
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -27.4981514, Longitude: 152.9713252

komentarze 5

  • DS Jones

    DS Jones


    All 5 stars to Grant Perry at Westpoint Honda. This is the guy you want to see if you want genuine assistance with the purchase of your new car WITHOUT the stereo-typical car salesman tactics you might expect. When buying my new Honda CR-V I visited a number of car dealers in and around Brisbane and can honestly says Grant was best of the lot. He was knowledgeable, enthusiastic (in a good way) and genuine in his approach and customer service (and he gave me the best price). Surprisingly, his assistance and service didn't stop when the paperwork was signed, he kept me up-to-date with the progress on the delivery of the new vehicle and was more than helpful with all my follow-up questions and enquiries. In the past after buying a car I have usually found the experience of dealing with the salesman one that makes you glad you only have to do it every few years. With Grant, due to the experience, I contacted him a few days later to look at replacing my other car (which i didn't expect to do for a few years yet). Thanks Grant, Westpoint Honda is lucky to have you.

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    Mi Hyang Seol


    Pick up a new Honda CRV and many thanks to Han. I have been to many dealer shops but most dealers were very strict with strong pressure. However, Han was a very patient and quick to respond to all my queries with soft communication skills. Of course the rest of team members were very professional and there is a diversity of races in the team. I strongly recommend this team especially who needs to deal in Korean and Chinese.

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    Huang Jing


    I've just purchased a new Honda Jazz from Grant Perry at Westpoint Honda. I found him to be very professional and helpful in all the dealings with us. This is my first car in Australia and urgently needed. Perry help us to press the car earlier than expected. I just want to say a big thanks to him!

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    Ray Lght


    Was there in early January 2018. Definitely for me this was the most enjoyable experience of buying a new car! Grant Perry and the rest of the team at Westpoint Indooroopilly were extremely easy to work with. No sales pressure at all and the process was smooth. The car was delivered timely (it took only 4 days!) with no problem at all. Thank you Grant!

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    Yunyun Wu


    I had been to Westpoint Honda for comparing price only but eventually purchased an Odyssey there. They have a very professional and customer focus team, plus competitive price. I found Grant Perry and (Glove?) are very helpful and professional. I would consider the upgrade of my car at Westpoint Honda in the future and recommend it to others.

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