Woolworths Rundle Mall i Adelaide

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienWoolworths Rundle Mall



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80-88, Rundle Mall, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8314 5426
internet side: www.woolworths.com.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -34.922448, Longitude: 138.6026

kommentar 5

  • Noel Slattery

    Noel Slattery


    Good standard supermarket plus bottle shop.

  • funkyjunk04



    As far as woolies go, this is a better one. Good range of products and produce.

  • en



    Weird split level. BWS inside.

  • Craig Pickering

    Craig Pickering


    A very nice, modern supermarket right in the centre of Adelaide! Upstairs also has a BWS so you can purchase wine, beer and spirits there as well. Not a huge range but they do stock most of the popular brands. Downstairs (by escalator) you'll find the fresh produce and a lot more, so it is overall the size of a normal supermarket although it doesn't look like it when you first enter. You can checkout yourself or use a manned checkout if you prefer. They take PayWave and all credit cards.

  • Sarah Ninnes

    Sarah Ninnes


    This Woolworths has two levels. There is a wide range of products but generally no bulk due to location. It has many self serve registers which is very convenient, making your shopping trip quite simple and time effective. There are many 'grab a quick bite' options for lunch or just a snack. The staff are friendly. Good service is available from the Help Desk. There is also a BWS Liquor store on the premises, making dinner and wine easy. Ask for advice with food matching. The Manager, Sam, is quite knowledgeable and will suggest a variety of lovely wines for you to enjoy.

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