Abercrombie Motor Inn i Bathurst

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienAbercrombie Motor Inn


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362, Stewart Street, 2795, Bathurst, Bathurst Regional Council, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 6331 1077
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Latitude: -33.4219135, Longitude: 149.5638469

kommentar 5

  • en

    terry hoolahan


  • en

    Jack Ridgewell


  • TerroTech



    "Okay" place to stay for a one night. Large family rooms are available. Has Foxtel tv connection. Indoor cooking options are limited. Rooms don't have cooktops, pans, dishes or cutleries but a microwave. WiFi is available but very slow. However cheap place with good views.

  • en

    Aaron Wallace


    I just just just just let me so i can stay awake on the freeway to get in if you do you good for a surf then sneak back into bed early tonight too i think the water is cold too and we will have to have to the gym in a sec on my way now aha I 'm just getting back from the yoga lady who was your weekend plans for Sat and Sun in a

  • Henrik Stidsen

    Henrik Stidsen


    Had booked at the Explorers Motel across the street but got a room here, the owners are the same so they share rooms. This, however, means that you have to cross the street to get to the breakfast room - a minor inconvenience. The staff were very friendly and, at the price, the rooms where nice and comfortable.

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