Airport Clayfield Motel i Clayfield

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienAirport Clayfield Motel



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772, Sandgate Road, 4011, Clayfield, Brisbane City, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 3862 2966
internet side:
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Latitude: -27.4167801, Longitude: 153.0574585

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cheryl Hogan


    You have a true asset - Steve. He is fantastic on the front counter - very friendly, courteous, and helpful. No complaints about the rooms either. Clean and the bed was comfy.

  • en

    Sonya McEntee


    This Motel is lovely and clean with awesome comfortable beds. The staff are super friendly and helpful. Would recommend highly for families. Only drawbacks are the busy road its situated on (no road noise in our room) makes it tricky driving to places and there are stairs if you are on the upper level, they do have a luggage lift though. We are happy and will be back.

  • Cathleen Adams

    Cathleen Adams


    Arrived late at night but key was left for us in the safe though the code originally given was incorrect but lucky had updated email but didn't think compare 2. Had family room so queen and 3 singles. Great size room. Downfall was luggage lift. Worked but couldn't get door to stay open without 2 people so just ended up carrying bags upstairs. Nice little pool used first thing next morning. Staff very helpful. Close to food places and convience store. Taxi from airport was approx $25 (plus $10 for maxi). Mall just down the road.

  • en

    Jackson Jolly


    The room was great nice and clean, the decor was moderately modern, the beds were comfortable, and breakfast was provided, a simple continental with cereal, juice, toast and a fresh grind coffee machine. No complaints, well priced and close to the airport and a range of food options in easy walking distance.

  • Dori McCormick

    Dori McCormick


    There wasn't a shuttle as advertised. Paid $40 for early arrival. Breakfast room was scanty at best. Great breakfasts at the airport. But they were very helpful with buses, local info, etc.

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