Alice Springs YHA i Alice Springs

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienAlice Springs YHA



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26, Parsons Street, 0870, Alice Springs, Alice Springs Municipality, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8952 8855
internet side:
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Latitude: -23.699359, Longitude: 133.883925

kommentar 5

  • Laurie M

    Laurie M


    Clean, great location, friendly staff, cool Courtyard.

  • Dominic Wyss

    Dominic Wyss


    Very big hostel with a lot of space. The kitchen is very organized and well equipped! There is free wifi in the living and kitchen area, although it‘s crawling slow. you can get faster wifi and in your room for 5$ a day (which is too expensive imo). Nice pool, too! There’s no male or female toilets or showers, but small bathrooms with a toilet and a shower in them, which is neat. But when I wanted to check in, nobody was at the reception for about an hour...

  • Dorival Neto

    Dorival Neto


    The hostel itself is great. I stayed in a private room with my mate and it was gorgeous. Neighbourhood is a bit off though, if you drive a car, park a few blocks away into the city, by the police station if you want to avoid having your car being vandalized

  • en

    Kelly Chmilar


    I recommend this YHA if you're going on an outback tour. They keep your bag and stuff locked up and safe while you're gone. The beds and rooms were comfy and the bathrooms were decent too. I like the privacy of the single washrooms. And the proximity to things in town is great!

  • Wendy Yau

    Wendy Yau


    The facilities are great. Kitchen is fully stocked with all sorts of cooking equipment (even a rice cooker lol). There was plenty of space to cook and an indoor and outdoor area to watch movies. Everything also seemed clean and tidy. Only issue may be anal staff who kept asking if we were ones who made a mess even though we were not and obviously cleaning.

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