Backpack Oz i Adelaide

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienBackpack Oz


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144, Wakefield Street, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8223 3551
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Latitude: -34.928077, Longitude: 138.6062977

kommentar 5

  • Baptiste Darras

    Baptiste Darras


    Very nice atmosphere and friendly staff. However some rooms are really too small, as well as the kitchen. Bathroom and kitchen need some improvement and to be cleaned more often.

  • en

    J. G.


    We were 3 people staying in a double bed bunk bed room for two nights. At departure we had to bring down the pillow case, linen and cover but the duvet and the cover remained..we were wondering how often they change that! Kitchen is open until 9.30pm, breakfast is good but be fast before milk is used for the cornflakes. Otherwise you get bread and three sorts of jam. toilets were partly rather not clean especially not downstairs. Upstairs was good. I give 4 stars as everything was comfortable, 3.5 stars are more accurate when you stay downstairs and have to use the facilities there.

  • en

    Abhimanyu Bhargava


    Really helpful and cooperative staff.. we got really late and reached the hostel at midnight.. staff at reception left us a note with the room keys and instructions. They also dropped me an email to guide us to the hostel from bus stop.

  • David Amend

    David Amend


    I enjoyed the single room, everything was fine, also good information given at reception, but you have to walk around 10

  • Milena Klinger

    Milena Klinger


    A nice hostel. The staff is very friendly and helpful. From time to time they also organise some cool events for all people staying in the hostel. The rooms are clean and tidy, the baths are also ok. The only negative thing is the noise coming from the outside. As the hostel is directly neer a big street it was obvious that it will be loud, so it didn't bother us. For people, who wake up by any noise (like me) during the night I recommend using earplugs while staying here.

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