Bathurst Motor Inn i Bathurst

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienBathurst Motor Inn



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87, Durham Street, 2795, Bathurst, Bathurst Regional Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 6331 2222
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.4137673, Longitude: 149.5819878

kommentar 5

  • Mark Smith

    Mark Smith


    No problem recommending this place to anyone. Cheap price with included breakfast, central location without being noisy & simple, clean rooms.

  • en

    Ellis Sharpley


    Stayed for 4 nights , uncomfortable bed, but over all quiet and excellent helpful staff and extremely clean.

  • en

    Lee Berry


    Very comfortable place to stay.Good tariffs.They do not overcharge.They also have a Continental Breafast.We will stay there each time we go to Bathurst.Cheers Lee

  • Philippa Collins

    Philippa Collins


    We came under difficult circumstances and the staff have bent over backwards to help us out. The room is fine. Comfortable beds good breakfast and friendly and helpful housekeeping. Thank you to the staff for helping us out and doing it all with a smile.

  • en

    Cassandra Reynolds


    When booking on such short notice, office manger martin could not have been any nicer or more helpful. Prior to arriving ,office staff rang to see our approx arrival time & because our late arrival time they explained the key pickup situation. Once entering the rooms we observed them to be exceptionally clean & very roomy. If ever staying in Bathurst again we would definitely stay at the Motor Inn on every occassion.

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