Bendigo Bank i Sydney

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienBendigo Bank



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75, Elizabeth Street, 2000, Sydney, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9221 1410
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.8688579, Longitude: 151.2101745

kommentar 5

  • en

    Max D X


    dont know what everone on about i go in ther ever Thursday to withdraw my cash and they have allways been lovely mabye the only complaint is that iv had a dirty look from what i would gusse is the upper management but the two ladys the serve me at the counter hvae allways been beyond helpful and kind this is the only reason i even bank with bendigo bank .ALLSO for a bank located in the CBD you should be open on saterday

  • en

    Scott Jones


    The customer service and carefactor was terrible. I needed to withdraw a sizeable amount of money. I informed the staff (Miranda) on the Friday. I returned the following week to pick it up to be informed they hadn't made an order for it so therefore there's no money for you. Her suggestion was to go try the other branches. Laughable 1st greeting when I walked in was how can I help you today..... it appears you can't or more than that won't. Considering moving my money to another bank. Poor service.

  • Debbie Kearns

    Debbie Kearns


    Thank you Ruth at this branch for being very responsive and helpful.

  • Matthew Wellings

    Matthew Wellings


    Really poor service... I needed a bank cheque and 11am on a Thursday morning there was a sign on the door saying it was closed and telling customers to go to the Darling Harbor branch ... I looked in to see staff working, I banged on the door and they opened it and laughed at the sign... the manager did not care. Poor service for a paying customer

  • Mobile Kingdom

    Mobile Kingdom


    First class personal service by staff who genuinely care. This is how Banks used to and is so refreshing. Makes banking an enjoyable experience.

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