Bendigo Haymarket Motor Inn i Bendigo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienBendigo Haymarket Motor Inn


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5, McIvor Highway, 3550, Bendigo, Greater Bendigo City, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 3 5441 5654
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Latitude: -36.75806, Longitude: 144.28769

kommentar 5

  • en

    James Peter Keech


    Nice rooms good location

  • Joanne Pyke

    Joanne Pyke


    The motel has a great location, service is very pleasant and the rooms are basic but adequate. Bed was comfy enough, shower was good, TV worked and was clean enough. The rooms are a bit scruffy and dated but suited me fine. It was extremely good value for money and would stay there again. The pub next door is very unreconstructed with friendly service and very decent pub grub.

  • Barbara Leavold

    Barbara Leavold


    Fantastic, affordable and convenient location. Arrived late so staff waited for me. Good sized room with couch, table and chair and king bed. Couldn't fault it.

  • Andrew Hossack

    Andrew Hossack


    Heater didn't work ! And it was cold, though the pub next door was excellent.

  • Brenda 'N' Grant

    Brenda 'N' Grant


    I'll give this motor inn a good rating JUST for the cleanliness of the bathroom and a friendly greeting! As for the bedding...the bed spreads were dirty/stained and spare blankets were old, stained and shabby. The carpet is filthy, my daughter had dirty feet after walking on it after her shower. The throw cushions on bed were also very dirty. I chose to stay here after reading the good reviews. Won't be staying again.

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