Best Western The Balan Village Motel i Bomaderry

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienBest Western The Balan Village Motel



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175, Cambewarra Road, 2541, Bomaderry, Shoalhaven City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 4423 1111
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.8426022, Longitude: 150.594844

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ki An


    Rooms was clean. Spacious and cosy. Bed was comfy. Had a little kitchen with microwave and water heater.

  • en

    Nasser Ghazali-Beiklar


    The place is fairly clean. Has 24 hours check-in option.

  • en

    Till Luc Lange


    Very friendly staff and nice place! Room was also clean, especially the bath. Fridge and TV was available and they seem to provide a 24 hour check-in for the future. Close to city center but a car would be recommended in this area though, since travelling to other cities by bus is inconveniend in this part of australia.

  • James Sloan

    James Sloan


    Good breakfast selection (buffet), small but comfortable rooms. Beds were very comfortable. TV, fridge, microwave, kettle... A very nice stop for a road trip.

  • felix liu

    felix liu


    Excellent value for money. Room and toilets were clean and plenty of space. Great for overnight stay /weekend trip. Room is easy to access from carpark in front of the door. Room included air-conditioning, fridge and small desk. Included breakfast has good variety - bacon, eggs, toast, fruit and cereal.

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