BGs Lounge - it's all about the hair i Adelaide

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AustralienBGs Lounge - it's all about the hair



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11, Daly Street, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8223 5028
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Latitude: -34.9271295, Longitude: 138.6101094

kommentar 5

  • en



    10/10. Gregson is simply the best hairdresser in Australia. Cut, colour, styling, suited to my face and lifestyle, I always walk out feeling and looking amazing. Amazing service, a hair cut and colour becomes an experience that I look forward to every six weeks.

  • Kris Lacho

    Kris Lacho


    As soon as I walked through the salon doors I felt the friendliness from Gregson and Danielle. I loved this boutique Salon tucked just off the corner of Hutt street. Not much of a review kind of guy but this Salon is a great addition to the East end of Adelaide. Thanks for the Awesome Cut's Dani!

  • en

    Anita Saric


    Been coming to BG's Lounge for a few months now have always had a great experience. Felt very welcomed from day 1. Great services and amazing products 👌

  • en

    Rose Bradley


    Had a lovely experience at BG's lounge. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, and as was the service. I'm looking forward to the next time!!!

  • James Boonstoppel

    James Boonstoppel


    Great haircut and attention to detail. Very warm and welcoming place too! Will definitely return for another cut

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