BIG4 Mackay Marine Tourist Park i Mackay Harbour

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AustralienBIG4 Mackay Marine Tourist Park



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LOT 379, Harbour Road, 4740, Mackay Harbour, Mackay Regional, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4955 1496
internet side:
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Latitude: -21.1127442, Longitude: 149.2068955

kommentar 5

  • Marnie Hunter

    Marnie Hunter


    Great activities available. There was colouring in competitions and bingo for all members of the family. The water park kept the kids busy for hours. They also loved the water slide and the pool.

  • en

    Brenda Lesic


    Not a bad place to stay ..friendly staff, clean and has what you need. My concern is the railings to enter and get out of the pool. They are very unstable and not safe. A public liability case waiting to happen.

  • Kellen York

    Kellen York


    Clean and well-organized. Water park and mini golf courses are modest but well maintained and a welcome bonus to the experience of sleeping in a van in 34 degree humidity soup. Will definitely check out Big4 properties in future.

  • Nikki Rushh

    Nikki Rushh


    The site is generally clean except for the shower cubicles. You get what you pay for. It's low end but not over priced. Travelled through here with a group of friends to move to the Sunshine coast. Check in was easy and the staff were friendly. It's ideal for an overnight stay if your on the move but not for a holiday (especially for a family). Wouldn't stay longer than two nights - though you don't need more than two nights to explore Mackay anyway.

  • en

    Mardi Atkinson


    Great place to stay. Heaps of child friendly activities and pets allowed with a bond and exit inspection. Staff are very friendly, very accommodating to a late check out etc. Overall myself, my family and friends really enjoy it as it is a wonderful, quiet place to stay on several occasions- mini-golf, jumping pillow, water play area, water slide, swimming pool, nature area to bird watch, large grassy area for children to run around, and generous kitchen supplies in the cabins. Environmentally friendly which is fantastic to see!

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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