Boyne Island Caravan Park i Boyne Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienBoyne Island Caravan Park


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1, Jacaranda Drive, 4680, Boyne Island, Gladstone Regional, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4973 8888
internet side:
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Latitude: -23.960792, Longitude: 151.346934

kommentar 5

  • en

    Emma Spark


    Manager joe is lazy and hard to get along with

  • Gary Halton

    Gary Halton


    Great simple place. Friendly staff

  • en

    Micheal Philp


    Full ove old farts that stear no handy caped fertilitys and dear for 1930 fertilitys and dont spray for moseys

  • Helen Rimmer

    Helen Rimmer


    Lovely reception, ladies get a little gift which was a nice surprise. It's given to you with a wink and a "I've been there love, travelled with my other half". The campground is nice, well maintained. We went to the unpowered which is a field by the river. Lots of fire pits and wood available so had a nice sit out by the fire. It's nice but a walk to the facilities and BBQ area. The amenities are clean and numerous for the size of the park. There is a large BBQ and dishes area with a kettle. The only downside was the mosquitoes, cover up and spray during the witching hour or you'll be eaten alive.

  • Paul Rimmer

    Paul Rimmer


    Nice little park on the river. Unpowered sites were down closer to the river. No real view and thick bush between the river and sites. Nice fire pits with free wood. Mozzies and sand flies were crazy so be prepared. WiFi wasn't much use no matter where we tried. Super friendly lady at front desk. Wear mozzies spray to shower and bathroom.

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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