Cairns Aquarium i Cairns City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienCairns Aquarium



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5, Florence Street, 4870, Cairns City, Cairns Regional, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4044 7300
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Latitude: -16.9185918, Longitude: 145.7736208

kommentar 5




    Finally got the chance to take my daughter. And I was hugely Impressed that they are at this level for such a young aquarium. I’m sure they will continue to grow and improve their displays as time goes on. On saying that we spent 4 hours there before we knew it and loved it. I’ll let you know abut the restaurant on our next visit as I upgraded our entry tickets at the end of the day to a family pass. Looking forward to many more visits.

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    Travis Bowden


    Thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the Cairns Aquarium. Nicely laid out with an excellent variety of fresh water and salt water fish life. The insect and reptile tanks made a nice addition too. It was especially nice to see the newly introduced whitetip sharks. It could take you weeks to locate and view all the marine life in their natural environments. Relaxing and informative - it took us about 3 hours to wander through looking properly at all the tanks and listening to one presentation. I would definitely recommend a trip to this aquarium for persons of any age.

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    Amanda Herron


    Great location. Didn’t have much wow factor like other aquariums, but still good variety. Would have appreciated feeding time info upon arrival. Restaurant is a little pricey.

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    Stew B


    Was gifted a family pass for Xmas and we all love it. Have visited multiple times and always enjoy walking around, also happy,Knowledgeable and friendly staff who show a passion for what they do. Can get a bit crowded at times but is completely expected. A must visit if visiting Cairns or even a local looking for a few hours out.

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    Sam R-T


    A HUGE Thank you to Anna and all the lovely staff at the Aquarium. We recently organised for our daughter to have her birthday party at the Aquarium and the entire day surpassed any exceptions that myself and all who attended had. From the restaurant staff who were so friendly, helpful, efficient and accommodating to Matilda, our personal guide. Matilda had the patience of a saint with the kids, was very knowledgeable and was just an absolute pleasure to spend time with. Every person who attended was wowed by your staff, the restaurant – food and staff, Matilda and in general the way that we all felt welcomed and appreciated. So, thank you for that. I know that we all had a ball and all of us will be back.

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