Cairns Central Medical Centre i Cairns City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienCairns Central Medical Centre



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Cairns Central Shopping Centre, Shop 112a, 1-21 Mcleod St, Cairns City QLD 4870, Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4031 3717
internet side:
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Latitude: -16.924033, Longitude: 145.77107

kommentar 5

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    D Parker


    Shocking receptionist. Ive seen a number of reviews here about how nice they are. Well Ive been twice now and they were bad both times. This time I arrived and the only receptionist was on the phone. I stood at the counter as required in front of her. She didnt spare me a glance. She finished her call and immediately took another one still without looking at me. After that call without raising her eyes she starts talking to another patient who is already seated so they come over and sort out some issue. At this point after about 4 minutes she finally looks at me for the first time and asks "You right?" as if its weird Im even there. No smile nothing. Poor customer service at its best.

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    Karen Dunell


    Thank goodness the front counter staff are exceptional as they would have to be to put up with the rudest most arrogant doctor I have ever seen...will never rerurn...😠

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    stephan franz


    Very friendly front counter staff. Maybe there is still hope for Australian customer service.

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    Charlie Thomas


    Doctors .. Nurses and receptionists etc .. are all wonderful and well mannered .. highly recommended place when you need to go to the doctors .. Thankyou Cairns Central Medical 😆💐

  • 亮多的曰子



    Cairns central里有两个药店,我去的是一层的这家,这药品齐全,服务态度好,关键是售药灵活。你懂的。

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