Chifley on South Terrace i Adelaide

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AustralienChifley on South Terrace



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226, South Terrace, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8223 4355
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Latitude: -34.935305, Longitude: 138.605599

kommentar 5

  • Rebekah A

    Rebekah A


    Bathroom was dirty, bath had soap ring and mould under the shower screen. The room was right next to the lift which is outdated old and unsafe. Very loud clunking in every stop. The balcony is nice and the pool area, bummer it's not heated. Other than that the hotel is nice and tidy just the rooms are not the best.

  • Vera Poon

    Vera Poon


    The building is old but staff is extremely helpful to go the extra mile to help, superior service!

  • en

    Nick Spiker


    Our Concierge was friendly and welcoming. The elevator feels like it’s going to drop you half a floor early... when the doors open it’s still moving up or down which is a bit surprising. The taps in the bathroom wiggle around, and the menu folder had no menu in it. The wifi didn’t connect. The bed was comfortable though and is was quiet. Thus.. 3 stars.

  • Gareth Mercer

    Gareth Mercer


    Not bad, but there's probably better choices. Clean and neat, but showing its age. Beds were comfy. Lift was noisy - request a room away from the lift. Staff friendly and helpful.

  • en

    Jacinta Atkins


    Showing signs of aging. No compendium in room and no info given at check in re hotel facilities the lift is not to be used after 11pm or before 5 30am, not sure what that is about...again no info other than not to use it. Graffiti in lift and on the balcony on floor two do not give a four star fact makes you feel you are in the wrong place completely...on the plus side the shower pressure was fantastic and it is walking distance to some lovely restaurants. Most of the staff we encounted were friendly and the lobby is really lovely, the rooms were a good size and the bed comfortable.

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