Class Locksmiths - Canberra i Fyshwick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienClass Locksmiths - Canberra



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51, Kembla Street, 2609, Fyshwick, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 6280 6611
internet side:
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Latitude: -35.3238938, Longitude: 149.1750971

kommentar 5

  • Nicola Friedlieb

    Nicola Friedlieb


    Really disappointing. After I locked myself out, i called this locksmith after they were recommended as they put the locks in my apartment. When I rang the emergency service at 7:15am, the man was very unenthusiastic to assist, saying I would need to wait until the office opened at 8am as he had another job starting at 8:30am (over an hours time) and couldn’t get to me before that. I waited until 8am and rang again, however the office still hadn’t opened. At 8:15am I rang again, however they said no one was available until the afternoon because they had bookings. Had they been told to me straight up, I could have called someone else, instead of waiting outside in the cold. When they claim a 24/7 reliable service, I would have assumed they would leave spots open for emergencies, and also not have the person allocated to emergencies booked into other jobs. I had really hoped, as claimed, they would have made this stressful situation easier, but really it was just a whole of lot of hassle, waste of time and disappointment.

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    Les Buick


    First class service and response to my laundry door, key lock problem. The response and friendly service was excellent and the locksmith was terrific. This is how a business should be run and where customer service and support receives top priority. I would highly recommend this company and would like to make special mention to Jenny and Joel. Many thanks for the excellent service!!

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    shaik fareed


    Amazing service...they made me a spare key for audi with great price

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    Oliver Macgregor


    Had a broken car door lock fixed here. The staff were friendly, helpful and outlined the job in a clear straightforward way. On the day the car was booked in, they completed the job faster than they quoted (even though I'd dropped the car in later than I said I would), at the price quoted (no quibbling or claiming that the job was more complex than expected), AND called me to say the job was done (rather than leaving it up to me to phone and check in the afternoon). Highly recommended!

  • en



    Great service! Very professional people. Will definately use again.

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