Coral Coast Tourist Park i Carnarvon

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AustralienCoral Coast Tourist Park



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108, Robinson Street, 6701, Carnarvon, Shire of Carnarvon, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 9941 1438
internet side:
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Latitude: -24.879496, Longitude: 113.661517

kommentar 5

  • Emma K

    Emma K


    I stayed here 2 years ago and had a pleasent experience so decided to come back. Management must have changed. Staff are rude and not empathetic. Not willing to be flexible. Do not provide above and beyond customer service. No hospitality. I was called ratty by the lady at reception. I posted a review on the facebook page, please check it out. After I did that, staff were that petty they called and slandered my name to the next park I stayed at. *breach of privacy and defamation!* Would not recommend the park home. If you want rude and arrogant customer service book here! So many people I've spoken to about this place who have stayed here give me the same feedback. I work in customer service and this is not how you run a business!! So angry

  • en

    nicole smyth


    If only the build of their shower block could be mandatory in all parks. A lot of thought has gone into the design i just love the separate toilet, shower and vanity for each cubicle. Well done on the cleanliness.

  • Jason Whiteley

    Jason Whiteley


    Fantastic staff who are incredibly helpful and really know their stuff. Amazing facilities, clean, best showers and toilets, digital washing machine and dryer that tells you exactly how long to go. Nice pool. Great place for families and kids. Highly recommended, best caravan park I've stayed at.

  • Kasia Behr

    Kasia Behr


    Very central & cozy location with walking distance and short access to all fascilities in Carnarvon. Proper and good/ clean conditions for even longer stay. Very good equipped cabin, garden furnitures outside, nice swimming pool available all day long, Feeling of staying in outback being in the heart of the town. A lot of interesting spots to explore in nearby area.I will be back!

  • en

    Familie Jansen


    Good value and location. A nice spot near the city center. Ablutions are pretty new, the pool has a decent size and good temperature with some shade. The playground could need some shade, it has virtually none. Staff is friendly and knows the city and where to go. A few more trees and grass would be great, other than that everything was good.

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