Domino's Pizza Adelaide City i Adelaide

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AustralienDomino's Pizza Adelaide City



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236, Pulteney Street, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8198 8720
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Latitude: -34.927959, Longitude: 138.606245

kommentar 5

  • Benyamin Mirzaei

    Benyamin Mirzaei


    Pizza was your average dominos. There was very little seating space and place looked old and broken. I've been to better and cleaner places.

  • Yasheen Sewnarain

    Yasheen Sewnarain


    Extremely slow service. Waited half an hour for my order.

  • en

    Lucia Bonizzato


    just WOW! worst customer service I ever got! I was on the phone with a certain Shivon( who said was the manager to shut me down and 2 secs later he was: " well my manager said i cant" so you are not!!!!) I WILL NEVER ORDER THERE EVER AGAIN- ordered at Australia Pizza instead where their service was just amazing, got free delivery and they were just super super helpfull and nice! Dominos you just lost an order for 50 pizzas each month sorry

  • en

    Joshua Williams


    I have been here three times before. Never have I been more disappointed in a pizza. On the first, I open up my pizza box. and I don't have a pizza. I have a soup, held in a bowl of undercooked dough. The second and third time, I got food poisoning. AVOID THIS PLACE. I have attempted to contact Domino's before about this store's lack of quality food, but their customer service team is just as disgusting as the "food" they provide.

  • en

    Tara Dalton


    Absolutely appalling! I spent $48 for 2 poor excuses for pizza's, that one alone was $24 bucks for nothing but something that looked like a 4 year old made with hardly any topping and cheese that tasted like someone had wiped their arse with! Not only was it late for delivery, mind you I am staying at the istay precinct, so not even a couple minutes travel max, but the food was of the lowest of standards, and 2 lava cakes that weren't even cooked, but had been carelessly thrown around and was not even edible as it was raw, but wasn't even recognisible. I rang to complain, and the rudeness of the staff member was absolutely revolting! No form of phone etticate, rude, and couldn't care less about it. Rudley said we're closed, and hung up on me when I asked to make a complaint! The manager needs to pull his head in and do his job by hiring friendly staff with experience in phone manner and experience in how to actually cook the food! Absolutely disgusted in the whole experience. That store needs to be shut down for good.

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