Foods for Life en Adelaide

AustraliaFoods for Life



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58A, Gawler Place, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australia
contactos teléfono: +61 8 8227 1300
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: -34.923428, Longitude: 138.602146

comentarios 5

  • en

    Catherine McAllister


    Greta customer service! However chicken in salad was off and tasted old, and found out that it had been sitting there for 2 days before it got sold to me. Yuck. Probably won't go back unless I need some packaged health chocolate or tablets. Food overpriced for what it is. Fresh food is needed to maintain customers. The girl was very kind about refunding me :)

  • en



    great to see an affordable range of cruelty free products

  • Oliver Fittock

    Oliver Fittock


    Very helpful staff,always courteous and willing to assist. Very knowledgeable about the products.

  • Sinikka Li

    Sinikka Li


    huge range of vitamins, but also yummy and healthy food choices for takeaway and sit-in. very friendly staff.

  • Annie



    Foods for Life in Gawler Place, Adelaide has a huge range of vitamin and herbal supplements and health food groceries. The staff are friendly, helpful and knowledgeable and you can become a member and receive quite good discounts. They also have great meals - delicious salads, hot food, fresh almond milk and yummy vegan/gluten free sweets (my favourites are the chia brownies and the oat and date slice, both of which are very generous serves). Worth a visit!

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