Hilton Cairns i Cairns City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienHilton Cairns


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34, Esplanade, 4870, Cairns City, Cairns Regional, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4050 2000
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: -16.9229493, Longitude: 145.7801937

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jodz R


    Lovely hotel in a great location, close to shops and restaurants. Staff are friendly. In room dining was satisfactory.

  • en

    Ken Grant


    Second stay at this hotel in about 2 weeks...stayed on the executive floor... room very clean...missing some furniture in the room and in house entertainment not functioning...not the end of the world but after a 27 hr international flight ..that was all i wanted... the finer details need some attention at this establishment...all the staff as always with hilton are exceptional in their attitude and hospitality..there is always a welcoming smile and a friendly greeting and nothing is ever too much trouble..special thanks to the knowledgeable guys at Gin Social in the lobby...excellent attention to detail and all round service

  • Chris Guenther

    Chris Guenther


    We stayed at the Hilton Cairns for three nights and thoroughly enjoyed our stay. Our first room had some issues but when we went to the front desk they immediately fixed the situation and put us up in another room with some added extras. The staff were all so friendly and quick to offer a smile and a hello. The rooms are a little worn but nothing to make it uncomfortable or unwelcoming. The pool area was excellent with a beautiful refreshing pool and relaxing spa, the lush landscaped gardens around almost make you forget you're in the city. I loved the design of the hotel, the tall lush gardens in the middle of the building is a beautiful touch. We were there in the wet season when humidity is extremely high, the A/C could barely keep up and the rooms had a slight damp scent that I suspect is because of the season, however that being said tile instead of carpet in the rooms and an upgraded air system would make a good difference on that front. Overall very impressed and would stay here again in a heartbeat when back in Cairns.

  • Kevin Etheridge

    Kevin Etheridge


    Stayed one night 02/12/2018 to catch a flight. What a disappointment. My wife and I had a Suite could have been the Presidential Room 930. The televisions did not work correctly and even after a call to the front desk I still cannot figure out how to work the shower. The hotel is worn and showing it's age. For the money spent, I expected much better.

  • en



    Executive rooms were nothing special; just the same as every other room in the hotel. Still nice. Concierge staff were wonderful and very helpful. Executive lounge staff were extremely rude and the service left a lot to be desired. I wouldn't recommend paying for anything executive, as you definitely do not get your money's worth and are not treated any better.

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