ibis Styles Katherine i Katherine

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Australienibis Styles Katherine



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Stuart Highway, 0850, Katherine, Katherine Municipality, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8972 1744
internet side: www.accorhotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -14.4717257, Longitude: 132.2902609

kommentar 5

  • Lisa Lisa

    Lisa Lisa


    Well located on the outskirts of town, clean facilities with a restaurant open from 0500 for breakfast. Staff are pleasant and food was nice and fresh. Options of indoor or outdoor dining with full buffet for dinner and breakfast. Internet was pretty dodgy tho.

  • Nathan C

    Nathan C


    The Bed sheets seemed like they weren't changed, TV had no reception and the free Breakfast was alright. Not too bad for a value stay.

  • Jake Thompson

    Jake Thompson


    The restaurant has a selection of perfectly cooked meals, some seasonal. It's roomy, sort of country feel while keeping its professional appeal. The grass areas are usually green and mowed and the rooms are tidy. Gardens could be redone but it's decent.

  • Doug Gillanders

    Doug Gillanders


    Very average facilities. Restuarant is a Bay Marie service. Rooms are clean, quiet location.

  • en

    Scott Pitman


    Accommodation ok Meals need a good look at Not much to choose from Tasted most things and seriously wonder if management have as some is nearly inedible. Its a basic menu. You need more variety Even a beef schnitzel instead of just offering chicken. Need for normal salt shaker on tables as who want chunks of rock salt on their food, grinder doesnt allow fine salt. Bar tends to run out of beer consistently. I realise its hard in an outback facility but seriously you shouldn't run out when u can restock daily. Staff trying there best with what they have.

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