Junction Hotel i The Junction

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienJunction Hotel



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204, Corlette Street, 2291, The Junction, Newcastle City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 4962 8888
internet side: www.junctionhotel.com.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -32.9382353, Longitude: 151.7603998

kommentar 5

  • James 1648

    James 1648


    nice pub, friendly staff.not my first choice would prefer something a bit more lived in. but pleasant enough

  • en

    Steven Bell


    Very loverly hotel. Very clean and food was great. Loved the glass floor looking into the cellar.

  • Emma Howden

    Emma Howden


    Popped in for a quick drink to soak up some time before a dinner reservation. The atmosphere was nice with flowers, nice lighting, plenty of seating, bartender was a hunk, etc. Best parts were; they could legit mix a drink with fresh lemon & lime, and the music added to the atmosphere & I could still talk comfortably to my date. So many places have the music far too high which is bad for old, deaf biddies such as myself. Couldn't help but notice quite a few good looking, single guys at the bar. Apparently this is where you should begin the hunt. You're welcome, ladies.

  • Casey Blue

    Casey Blue


    We stayed in one of the rooms over night and can not fault this place. Immaculately presented room and hotel overall, brilliant service, comfortable bed, luxurious shower and only had time for dessert but it was delicious. Will definitely make this place our only accommodation from now on when we travel to Newcastle.

  • en

    Christine Taylor


    The Junction Hotel Restaurant- always a firm favourite Wonderful lunch again today at The Junction Hotel. Anthony and Sophia are wonderful at making sure all guests are well looked after. It was great to see the Prawn linguine back on the menu. The Prawn linguine was superb, ultra fresh pasta with a delicately balanced sauce topped with perfectly cooked prawns, a winner! The salmon served with a great combination of vegetables also delicious. No wonder The Junction is our go to restaurant in Newcastle. Highly recommended !

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