Laser Plumbing Canberra Central i Fyshwick

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AustralienLaser Plumbing Canberra Central



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18, Geelong Street, 2609, Fyshwick, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 6185 0341
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Latitude: -35.331654, Longitude: 149.1695935

kommentar 5

  • Aaron Lim

    Aaron Lim


    Had Nick come out to swap out my failing hot water system. Did a fantastic job and answered all my stupid questions. I definitely recommend Laser Plumbing if you need some plumbing work done.

  • en

    carol kavanagh


    The plumber from queanbeyan laser plumbing who visited my home today was a terrific tradesperson. Knew exactly what was needed for both problems and fixed them like that. He had to go and get a part for one. No problem. He was courteous and likeable. I have dealt with a lot of tradesmen and he is right up there as one of the very best.

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    Eldon Ball


    Darryl Leonard just cleared a root-filled drain at our house and did an excellent job. He arrived on time, was very pleasant and knowledgeable, and worked very efficiently. He not only cleared the stoppage, he also checked that the pipe was clear to the back of the lot and cleaned the vent line. He even returned to carry out one more test after I thought that he had left. So, I am a very satisfied customer.

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    Connor Watson


    The guys were fantastic. Rang to inform me when they would be arriving and were always on time. They were also polite and professional ! Couldn't recommend them highly enough. Steve Watson

  • en

    Helen Barlow


    Couldn't be happier with the service. Two very polite young men who called when they were running late then arrived to do a thorough, good job. I appreciated that they took the time to explain the problem to me and how they would go about fixing it. I would recommend your services to anyone. Thanks.

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