LINDY Australia w Albion

AustraliaLINDY Australia



🕗 godziny otwarcia

43, Sandgate Road, 4010, Albion, Brisbane City, AU Australien
kontakt telefon: +61 1300 888 095
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -27.438995, Longitude: 153.043262

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mark Wilson


    Fantastic service at Lindy, very impressed with their cable range and pricing.

  • en

    Rob Norrington


    Great place to get all your cable etc. Friendly staff very helpful.

  • en

    Brian Masters


    I found this company to be very helpful and they made sure that the equipment I was ordering would do the job. If you are looking for some expert advice and good quality audio/video products at a reasonable price, definitely give these guys a go

  • David Griffen

    David Griffen


    Most unhelpful business I have encountered and definitely would not recommend to anyone. Obviously they don't have much faith in their products if they cannot accept you asking questions about the specifications of goods they sell. If it’s not fit for purpose it is unsuitable, so to tell your prospective customer you do not want to sell your product to them because you don't like the questions being asked of you would be the most unprofessional business I have ever dealt with. If you cannot return an unsuitable product and you can’t ask questions about its suitability for your purpose, why go there.

  • en

    Dean walsh


    These guys stock a lot of the things you need to keep your business alive. Items that Apple and most other tech places don't. They don't mind if you don't speak the 'lingo' either. Great service. Thank you.

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