Macquarie Inn i Dubbo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienMacquarie Inn



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Birch Avenue, 2830, Dubbo, Dubbo City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 6884 1955
internet side:
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Latitude: -32.252143, Longitude: 148.6313135

kommentar 5

  • en

    Glenys McKinnon


    Menu has very little choice if you want vegetables. Mostly salad and chips which is not my preferred option. Meals are well presented and cooked, though and staff are friendly.

  • en

    paige carter


    We booked the Bridal Suite for one night as a get away from Sydney. The check in staff were lovely. The room is so modern and clean, big flat screen TV, super comfy bed. Amazing updated bathroom with an awesome spa bath with mood lighting. The outdoor private Court yard was very spacious and lovely to sit and enjoy a cuppa.

  • The SB Adventures Desaqu

    The SB Adventures Desaqu


    The rooms were very neat and tidy and clean. The staff was super helpful also. The only things I would fault would be the very low lighting in the room as there isnt sufficient lights. Also it would be of been great If they provided tissues .

  • en

    Chris Desirable


    The meal deals are great both during the week and weekend. Staff are friendly and accommodating. Clean rooms just dim lighting




    As we walked into the place my daughter stood on an ashtray that had been left in the walkway. It cut her toes open and the back of her leg so instead of having lunch we ended up taking my daughter to the doctors. The staff were lovely and understanding of my frustrations but my question was why are there ashtrays on the ground where children are walking through and why is smoking allowed at the entrance to a place that sells food and drinks? You try to promote a family friendly venue but we have to walk through smoke and trip hazzards to get in. I cant rate the food here but i can say at least your staff are great. First time we have visited but will never be back

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