Mantra City Central i Melbourne

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AustralienMantra City Central



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318, Little Bourke Street, 3000, Melbourne, Melbourne City, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 3 9664 2000
internet side:
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Latitude: -37.8129586, Longitude: 144.9631558

kommentar 5

  • en

    S M


    Nice hotel in centre of the city. Good room rates too

  • Sarah Mosley

    Sarah Mosley


    Service and location is amazing. Because it is an old building the sound proofing isn't the greatest. The bathrooms could also do with a bit of a reno.

  • en

    Inhye Park


    They gave me wonderful experiences for city tour. It is place in the perfect spot to look around of the Melbourne. Specially, the people of hotel were so kind to us. They made me happy. If I could, I want to give them 6 stars :)

  • Victoria Galouzis

    Victoria Galouzis


    Imagine booking a hotel room for a romantic few days away to celebrate your birthday and being put in the “basement” aka a dungeon without any windows. Being told the hotel is fully booked so no other room is available, in spite of arriving very early at the hotel. Just terrible.! Probably won’t book at this hotel again. Might I add we had booked months in advance.

  • Jessica Ennew

    Jessica Ennew


    We loved staying here. We had a loft room with the lounge downstairs and bedroom/bathroom upstairs and it was perfect. While the kitchen and bathroom were a little dated, the room as a whole was very clean and the furnishings were new and very ‘Melbourne’. The building as a whole had a lot of historic charm. With a location this central, there’s not much need to spend a lot of time in the room anyway, and if they were to upgrade it, you certainly couldn’t get such a great price. Staff were very friendly and helpful. Very happy with our stay and we will be back!

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