Mantra on Kent i Sydney

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AustralienMantra on Kent



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433, Kent Street, 2000, Sydney, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9284 2300
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.8717052, Longitude: 151.2046869

kommentar 5

  • en

    Adorjan Racz


    Rooms are big, slightly dated but generous nonetheless. Staff are friendly and helpful. No gym available which is slightly off-putting but otherwise location is great

  • Michelle Andrews

    Michelle Andrews


    This hotel is incredible! The best location, between Darling Harbour and Circular Quay. Only a short walk from Town Hall Station. I was lucky enough to get room 2702 (top floor) and had a lovely view of Darling Harbour. The rockstars at reception and in the restaurant were so friendly and only too happy to help out with whatever I needed, which included an early check-in so I could get to my function on time. The only downside I can think of it that the hot food wasn't all that hot (but not cold either). But there was a great selection of food there. I'll definitely be staying here again when I'm in the city next.

  • en

    Anthony Evans


    Nice sized rooms in good condition. The location is great. Close to the Harbour for day trips and well placed in the city. Parking at daily rate but a bit expensive. Staff helpful and friendly.

  • Rini Wulandari-S

    Rini Wulandari-S


    Friendly and helpful staff, our studio room got everything I need. The place looks a little bit old. I love the laundry facility. I can wash everyday. Spacious enough as a studio

  • Umar Hakim Shafaruddin

    Umar Hakim Shafaruddin


    Coming from a hospitality background, I may not be an expert but i am trained to spot certainly aspects of a hotel/apartment/Resort . The receptionist greeted my family kindly and assisted us with the check in. The room was tastefully done. Cozy with full of amenities to do a bit light cooking. I didn't get a chance to have the breakfast but the in house dining is more than capable of meeting your gastronomical desires. Issue with the housekeeping is that I failed to indicate that my room needed cleaning but they helped out the following day. Overall my stay, the location and expectations were met. Very happy to have stayed with them.

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