Piccadilly Cinemas i North Adelaide

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienPiccadilly Cinemas



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181, O'Connell Street, 5006, North Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8267 1500
internet side: www.wallis.com.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -34.9031674, Longitude: 138.5946603

kommentar 5

  • Canine Jack

    Canine Jack


    The Piccadilly cinema is wonderfully enchanting place with an art deco aesthetic. Very affordable and the staff are kind and helpful. It's not just a cinema, it's an experience!

  • Sami Bickley

    Sami Bickley


    Lovely old cinema. Make sure if you have walking difficulties that the movie isn’t upstairs as there are many flights. Chairs are comfy.

  • Violet P

    Violet P


    Love the decor of this place. If only there were many theatres left like it! Lovely staff, reasonable prices for movies and the food. The sound system could do with an upgrade, but it wont stop me going back

  • Robert Bone

    Robert Bone


    Kind of an old school place to see movies in North Adelaide, the decor is getting a bit old but the important part is the cinemas are comfy and have decent sound setups. 3d and 2d movies both available and with allocated seating. Appears to have conference areas available too. Give the place a call if you need more info, they were lovely on the phone when I called to book tickets I couldn't find online.

  • en

    michael dodds


    Lovely old style cinema. Haven't been in years and feels the same as my childhood. Love it

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