Poplars Inn Mittagong i Mittagong

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienPoplars Inn Mittagong


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97, Old Hume Highway, 2575, Mittagong, Wingecarribee Shire Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 4889 4239
internet side: www.poplarsinn.com.au
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Latitude: -34.429818, Longitude: 150.4852301

kommentar 5

  • Lana the Redhead

    Lana the Redhead


    Stay here if you want the bare minimum to attention both by staff and facilities. No signing in, no offer of information re district. The room was tired and very dated; a good size but the dirt etc behind tv showed minimal cleaning. Shower soap holder broken / shower curtains (who has these now?) crumbling grout around sink. Awful fluro lighting strips above beds and no lamps. Dusty flyscreens. You'll do your own washing up in the kitchenette at $155 p/n with just minimum cutlery. The spelling of "strictly" on the back of the door amusing. Exit driveway unsealed and in bad condition. Three wooden gazebos around grounds empty, devoid of plants, tables or chairs. Verandah tables outside room dirty and rear of property very ordinary, and a bit rundown with no doormat at entry of unit. Beds were good. Whilst not the worse property around the staff would be better running a mini mart as neither hospitality, ambience nor southern highlands charm is on offer and the express exit service says it all.

  • en

    Tony Young


    Small rooms. Could do better with cleaning. Small bathroom. Comfortable beds. Ok for overnight.

  • en

    jessica beller


    "delux" room... no... dirty bathroom walls ...mold on shower curtain. noise from highway

  • en

    Maggie Foster


    Clean and comfy and plenty hot water. Reception staff excellent. Bathroon well equipped.tea cofee facilities in room.

  • Dale Drain

    Dale Drain


    Rooms were as advertised. Clean and convenient. Wifi wasn't working down our end due to wifi extenders not working. No contact with the staff as we were late arrival early check out.

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