Q Bar & Braserie On The Avenue i Parap

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienQ Bar & Braserie On The Avenue



🕗 åbningstider

12, Salonika Street, 0820, Parap, Darwin Municipality, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8995 9588
internet side: eventsolutionsdarwin.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -12.4401115, Longitude: 130.8399372

kommentar 5

  • en

    nusrat nutella


    food was good but the service was poor.They were talking to each other while the customer was waiting. even food was late.

  • en

    mitch stutchbury


    Ran out of ingredients for multiple lunch dishes at 1.30pm. French toast was overpowered with cinnamon, very bland otherwise. Chips had zero flavour. 2 stars for a nice milkshake

  • en

    Aaron Fleming


    Went there this morning for breakfast. Seated by the head waitress then had water delivered, table cleaned and menus provided. Then proceeded to sit there for 20 minutes while all the waitresses walked around us looking at us with the menus still on the table while at least 4 other tables that sat down well after us were served. Then she says sorry sir we did our best to look after you. Pffffffft.

  • en

    Deanna Byrnes


    Been here a few times and really liked it. Some days it's a bit quiet and other times it's really full on. Bit expensive but meals are really nice and the Staff pretty efficient. It's a very clean place and the views are great. Love going for brunch!!!

  • Deanna Burns

    Deanna Burns


    Nice food, good service. Very clean and the Staff are very helpful. Great location and views. Very busy on weekends but still love to go there.

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