Reid Removals i Dundowran

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienReid Removals



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64, Lower Mountain Road, 4655, Dundowran, Fraser Coast Regional, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 1800 253 308
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.298941, Longitude: 152.799103

kommentar 5

  • Leif Storoy

    Leif Storoy


    Reid Removals provided us with a stress free and friendly move going out of their way to ensure the whole process ran smoothly from start to finish. The staff were helpful and professional and their rates were very reasonable. Would highly recommend Reid Removals

  • en

    Matt Lovell


    Thank you to the Reid Family and there staff - I knew from the moment I met Mrs Reid when she attended my home to go through the moving process and how it all works my mind was instantly at ease - Moving is very daunting and expansive but Reid Removals worked with me within my budget to keep costs to a minimum - We were provided with a 4 page quote with detailed information on payment options/ fees & Insurance coverage & option/s. We paid over the phone using a Debitcard as this is fee free before our uplift date. My wife and I packed all our belongings into packing cartons & portarobes, we were offered a discounted rate as myself and my son helped load and unload the truck assisting the driver where ever we could - my wife was more than happy to provide sandwiches and a cool drink, our moving day came and went and we are now settled into our new home and are so thankful that I contacted Reid's Removals from the outset.

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    Carlene Bird


    What a dream relocation we had, from the quoting to the uplift from New South Wales to the delivery to our new address in Queensland. Many thanks to the your staff, the boys were wonderful, carefully packing and and loading our lifes' belongings into the Truck and loaded with such professionalism... The load DID NOT MOVE, I was so stressed as we drove through quite a few "road works" as we made the drive north with our caravan and dogs... Only to arrive 2 hours before the "big red truck" came down our street... the unloading and furniture placement was second to none... we cannot recommend REID REMOVALS enough..... Thank you so very much.

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    Kip Kirkland


    Do not recommend using. Owner used stand over tactics to intimidate my wife into on the spot payment by credit card. Even their workers were embarrassed and felt bad for my wife. Disgraceful especially as I was out of town for the move. My wife was upset and they couldn't even apologise, owners are just rude and ignorant treat customers with no respect.

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    ERIN T


    This company is amazing. From the girls in the office right through to the pick up and delivery guys. I have never came across a removalist that was so professional, and genuinely caring. Every step of the process was so easy and hassle free, and very reasonably priced. Would absolutely recommend this business.

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