Riverside Hotel SouthBank i South Brisbane

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AustralienRiverside Hotel SouthBank



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20, Montague Road, 4101, South Brisbane, Brisbane City, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 7 3846 0577
internet side: www.riversidehotel.com.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -27.471015, Longitude: 153.016

kommentar 5

  • Gary Manning

    Gary Manning


    Clean. Great spot, close to South Bank. Friendly staff. Very nice restaurant at good prices. Suggest the apartment units for longer stays

  • en

    Julie Hill


    Lovely clean room, good night's sleep. Excellent food and efficient, friendly service. Love that William Jolly bridge!

  • Lisa Byden Jenner

    Lisa Byden Jenner


    Clean & very basic & in no way modern but the location for visiting South Bank, Qld museum or for seeing a theatre show is spot on. Everything within easy walking distance and lots of top quality places to eat. Staff lovely & accommodating but definitely not a spoil yourself hotel. Its a location location location hotel.

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    King Titan


    It's ok. It is what it is. The location is close to everything but not overly easy on the eye from some angles. And watch the people in the back alley

  • Hirak Shah

    Hirak Shah


    Great location. The river is nearby along with all the tourist places. Just a 5 minute walk will get you to the riverbank and a stroll from there will cover all the good places. A 10 minute walk on the opposite side will get you to a number of good restaurants with quality food. The amenities at the one bedroom apartment are nice and are sufficient to spend few days. Room service is consistent and kitchen has pretty decent utensils available for cooking as well.

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